Career Services
Looking for direction or advice? Let us help.
Employers are looking for applicants with skills and potential. But getting the perfect job isn’t as easy as filling out an application or emailing a resumé. TCC’s Center for Workforce Solutions offers programs that can help you identify your potential career paths, whether you’re a displaced worker, a recent high school graduate, or returning to the workforce after some time off.

Job Skills Training Program
The Job Skills Training Program (JSTP) is a comprehensive approach to job skills training and job placement for those with barriers to employment. JSTP provides hands-on support, internships, workforce readiness training and job follow-up.
Learn more about the Job Skills Training Program.

Career Readiness Certificate
The Virginia Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) and the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) are portable credentials. They tell an employer that you have job-related skills and the potential to benefit from additional education or training.
Learn more about Career Readiness Certificates.

Military transition career services
The Center for Military and Veterans Education (CMVE) provides career coaching and transition services for veterans and their families to help translate military experience into a civilian career.
Learn more about military support services.

Apprenticeship programs are a proven training model for growing and retaining a skilled workforce in today’s competitive business environment. Combine classroom and on-the-job training to advance your career while you learn.
Learn more about apprenticeship programs.

On Ramp
The On Ramp program will pay for training, tuition and books you need for a certification from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). Students also have access to career-building workshops through local partners.
Learn more about On Ramp.