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FastForward Policies & Procedures

Read more about how to qualify for FastForward and FANTIC at TCC’s Center for Workforce Solutions.

You are eligible for FastForward if you:

  • Are a Virginia-domiciled resident
  • Not enrolled in a bachelor’s or associate program
  • Have met Selective Service requirements
  • Are a High School Senior, Currently enrolled in a GED program, or are age 18+ without GED or High School Diploma

You will be expected to regularly attend and participate in all classes AND successfully attain the designated credential or licensure at the end of the program.

If the cost of the exam is included in the tuition, it will be covered by FastForward.

Participants are responsible for paying the first 1/3 of the course cost at the time of registration. Upon your successful completion of the course and the credential, FastForward will pay the other 2/3. The maximum value of each grant is $3,000 per credential. If you don’t complete and pass the course, you will be responsible for an additional 1/3 of the cost.

  • Awards are used only for approved FastForward credential programs and testing
  • Student recipients are selected and enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Students are required to complete the course/program and are required to report receipt of an industry credential
  • Students are required to pay 10% of one third of the training costs
  • Annual maximum award per student shall be $5,000
  • A student who fails to successfully complete a funded program of study is ineligible for additional awards. The student may submit an appeal to TCC for unusual or mitigating circumstances.
  • The student will complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to repay the first one third of the total program cost in the event the program is not satisfactorily completed. The MOU shows the exact breakdown of total cost, one third, and 10% payment required upon registration
  • If a student fails to successfully the complete a funded program, the student will be invoiced to repay the first third of the total cost of the program
  • If a student does not take the credential test within 120 days after completing the program, TCC will not pay for the credential exam
  • Funding for the FANTIC program is limited and subject to availability

Students earning an industry credential through the FastForward program must comply with the Center for Workforce Solutions FastForward policies and procedures detailed below.

In the event an applicant wishes to cancel a class they must adhere to the Workforce Solutions Cancellation policy, which requires cancellation prior to the start of the first class to receive a refund.

In the event Workforce Solutions has to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment or other extenuating circumstances, the applicant will be given the option of moving to another section of the same class or receiving a refund. Any financial assistance award refunds will revert to TCC Workforce Solutions.

Standard Noncredit Refund Policy: Students shall be eligible for a refund of noncredit tuition and fees for those courses that are dropped prior to the first meeting of the course, and for any course cancelled by the college. Students may petition for a refund in writing to the Center for Workforce Solutions, Attention: Vice President for Workforce Solutions..

Refunds for non-credit courses initially paid with a credit or debit card will be credited back to the card holder’s original card. Refunds for non-credit courses initially paid by check, money order, or third party contract will be issued by check.

In qualified extenuating circumstances, student may be disenrolled and refunded for the first 1/3 of the FastForward program, or enrollment may be extended to allow for a crisis.

Program completion is tied to attendance and satisfactory completion of all assignments.

Course attendance (TCC)

Students should be present and on time for all scheduled class and laboratory meetings. Instructors do not have to admit students who arrive late. If students add classes or register after the first day of classes, the students are counted absent from all class meetings missed.

If students are absent more than 15 percent of scheduled instructional time, attendance may be defined as unsatisfactory. This calculation includes absences occurring during the add/drop period.

Instructors may establish more stringent attendance policies, and students are responsible for understanding the attendance requirements for each course in which they are enrolled.

Grades are posted as Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) at the conclusion of the class. 

If you receive a grade of “U,” you will be invoiced for 1/3 of the cost of the program.

Students must successfully complete the course by earning an “S” grade within thirty (30) days of the course end date. Students will provide documentation of the credential/licensure obtained or failure to obtain within 120 days of completing the Workforce Solutions program.

If a debt remains unsatisfied within 15 days of the initial correspondence, the Business Office will issue a second notice to inform the student of the college’s collection fee and subsequent collection procedures. If the debt is unpaid after 45 days from the initial correspondence, the Business Office will:

  1. add the collection fee to the student’s account;
  2. submit the indebtedness to the Commonwealth’s Setoff Debt Collection (SODC) program and private collection agency; and
  3. notify the student of the actions taken.

The Office of Fiscal Services will manage the submission of debts to the SODC program and private collection agencies and act as the college liaison with these agencies.

When payment of the indebtedness is received from the student or through SODC and/or private collection agencies, the Office of Fiscal Services will post the payment to the student’s account and remove the service indicator from the student’s SIS record once the debt is completely satisfied. The Office of Fiscal Services will notify all appropriate college departments, SODC, and private collection agencies of the debt payment.

Students will provide a copy of the credential or license (or advise if they were unsuccessful in obtaining the certification). If the results of the credential exams are available to TCC Workforce Solutions from the awarding entity, the student will agree to provide access to TCC Workforce Solutions.

Students may lodge a complaint or request a waiver or exception to stated procedures and policies by writing a letter to the Vice President of TCC Workforce Solutions, 7000 College Drive, Suffolk, VA 23435.